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Sabbath Boot Camp - WORSHIP

Pastor Tim concludes our Sabbath series by reminding us that worship begins in our hearts and minds in adoration of Jesus.

Sabbath Bootcamp - DELIGHT

Pastor Tim teaches on the aspect of Sabbath that is delight; delighting in God's world, delighting in our lives in God's presence, and delighting in God himself.

Sabbath Bootcamp - REST

Pastor Michael reminds us of the enemy's scheme to make us want and desire more than we have and how in rest we come to a deeper trust in God.

Sabbath Bootcamp - STOP

Pastor Tim reminds us why Sabbath is so important and how the first step is stopping.

State of the Union 2025

Pastor Tim kicks off our year with a sermon focusing on Joshua 1:1-9.

He Will Be Called - Prince of Peace

Pastor Tim concludes our Christmas series speaking on the peace that only Jesus offers.

He Will Be Called - Everlasting Father

Pastor Tim speaks on Jesus as our Father.

He Will Be Called - Mighty God

Pastor Michael preaches on Jesus as Mighty God.

He Will Be Called - Wonderful Counsellor

Pastor Tim kicks off our Christmas series reminding us of the Wonderful nature of our Lord, Jesus.

Living in the Light - Week 7

Paul and Chantelle McIvor share with us their missions work in Malaysia and God's heart for the poor and the needy.

Living in the Light - Week 6

Pastor Dallas shares with us how following Jesus will set us apart.

Living in the Light - Week 5

Pastor Dallas shares on what true, biblical love is based on John's passage in 1 John chapter 4.

Living in the Light - Week 4

Pastor Michael walks us through the conversation surrounding the question 'Who is Jesus?'.

Living in the Light - Week 3

Pastor Tim teaches on how if we have the love of God within us, there will be signs!

Living in the Light - Week 2

Pastor Tim teaches on how we can best love God and not love the things of the world.

Living in the Light - Week 1

Pastor Tim is joined by Darren and Minako Polischuk as they share with us their heart for Cambodia and how God's presence is at work in their lives.

In This Together - Extravagant Generosity

Pastor Tim and Kent Dyck, treasurer of ACC's Board of Elders, discuss a controversial passage in the Bible and what it means for us today to be extravagantly generous.

In This Together - Pointing People to Jesus

Pastor Michael joins Pastor Tim to discuss why we share the love of Jesus with others, why it has to matter so much to us.

In This Together - Passionate About God

Pastor Dallas joins Pastor Tim to discuss what passion really looks like and how we can grow in this area of our faith.

In This Together - Compassionate to Those in Need

Pastor Tim and Pastor Heather discuss what it means to be compassionate to those in need and how ACC is pursuing this call and character of Jesus through our ministry Mercy Connect.

In This Together - A Loving Community

Pastor Tim and Pastor Khristie walk us through ACC's vision and heart for community here at ACC.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 78

Pastor Tim preaches on the act of remembering the love and sacrifice of Jesus.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 140

Pastor Michael teaches on the power of praising Jesus in all circumstances.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 91

Pastor Tim asks the question does God over-promise and under-deliver and reminds us that this psalm is best viewed through the lens of what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 139

Pastor Tim reminds us that we are made with a purpose and we are not an accident and the God knows everything about us.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 51

Pastor Tim walks us through a penitential psalm and reminds us of our sinful nature, confession, and the power of Jesus' forgiveness in our lives.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 19

Pastor Tim talks on the beauty and brokenness of creation and how it can bring us closer to God and to His truth.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 13

Pastor Dallas guides us through a lament psalm where we learn to trust that God is dependable even when our situations are difficult.

Psalms of Summer - Psalm 1

We begin our Psalms of Summer series that will take us into the fall. Pastor Michael guides us through Psalm 1 and the outcomes of two very different paths we can take in life.

Presence of God - Moses and the Israelites

Pastor Tim concludes our series on the presence of God by walking us through Exodus and Moses's encounter and plea at Mt. Sinai.

Presence of God - A Still Small Voice

Pastor Tim walks us through the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19 and reminds us that it will all be well when we land in the hand of God.

Presence of God - Moses and the Burning Bush

Pastor Tim walks us through Moses's origin story and what the presence of God results in.

Presence of God - Adam and Eve

Pastor Michael kicks off our new series discussing how being in the presence of God is design, being separated from him is destruction.

Romans Celebration

Pastor Dallas wraps up our Romans study with a summary of the first 8 chapters of Romans.

Romans - Romans 8:31-39

Pastor Michael teaches on the argument Paul makes for the love of God and how if we accept it, it can leave us without any doubt.

Romans - Romans 8:18-30

Pastor Dallas teaches on suffering and how the Spirit intercedes for us.

Romans - Romans 8:1-17

Pastor Tim reminds us that we have access to an incredible power that will help us to live fully as children of God.

Room to Grow - Count Me In

It is the 3rd anniversary of our Room to Grow campaign and Pastor Tim leads us through a passage in Exodus to encourage and inspire us as we give generously and contribute to paying off the loan of our land purchase. For more information on Room to Grow, visit .

Romans - Romans 7:1-25

Pastor Dallas walks us through chapter 7 of Romans and the lifelong struggle.

Romans - Romans 6:9-23

Pastor Michael reminds us that we are a new creation when we give our lives to Christ.

Romans - Romans 6:1-8 Part 2

Pastor Tim discusses how the resurrection makes it real!

Romans - Romans 6:1-8 Part 1

Pastor Tim discusses how the resurrection makes it real!

Romans - Romans 4:1-25

Pastor Tim preaches on this passage and reminds us that Jesus was all in for us and set us free and forgave us completely.

Romans - Romans 3:27-31 PART 2

Pastor Tim preaches on how we can only boast in Christ as he has chosen us to be saved.

Romans - Romans 3:27-31 PART 1

Pastor Tim preaches on how we can only boast in Christ as he has chosen us to be saved.

Romans - Romans 3:21-26 PART 2

Pastor Tim preaches on what some have called the most important paragraph every written.

Romans - Romans 3:21-26 PART 1

Pastor Tim preaches on what some have called the most important paragraph every written.

Romans - Romans 3:1-20

Pastor Dallas preaches on Romans chapter 3:1-20.

Romans - Romans 2:1-29

Pastor Michael teaches on self righteousness or over righteousness when it comes to our sin.

Romans - Romans 1:18-20 Part 2

Pastor Tim continues in our study of the book of Romans.

Romans - Romans 1:18-20 Part 1

Pastor Tim continues in our study of the book of Romans.

Romans - Romans 1:1-17 PART 2

Pastor Tim kicks off our new and longest series yet! We will be spending 12 weeks digging deep into the first half of the book of Romans. Pastor Tim takes us through Paul's introduction to the Romans.

Romans - Romans 1:1-17 PART 1

Pastor Tim kicks off our new and longest series yet! We will be spending 12 weeks digging deep into the first half of the book of Romans. Pastor Tim takes us through Paul's introduction to the Romans.


Pastor Tim concludes our Bootcamp 2024 series by speaking on sin and how we are cleansed by Jesus's sacrifice.


Pastor Michael speaks on how we are to seek God's face at all times, in all that we do, and to intentionally spend time with him.


Pastor Tim leads us in a teaching based on prayer and shares with us an amazing opportunity we as the body of Christ in Sylvan Lake can be part of.


Pastor Tim leads us in a teaching based on prayer and shares with us an amazing opportunity we as the body of Christ in Sylvan Lake can be part of.

State of the Union 2024 PART 2

We kick off the New Year with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and what it means to be called and humble.

State of the Union 2024 PART 1

We kick off the New Year with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and what it means to be called and humble.

JUST JESUS - Coming King Part 2

Pastor Michael concludes our Just Jesus series by asking us who we have on the throne of our hearts.

JUST JESUS - Coming King Part 1

Pastor Michael concludes our Just Jesus series by asking us who we have on the throne of our hearts.

JUST JESUS - Healer Part 2

Pastor Tim shares on the benefit of suffering and how Jesus is our healer of physical, emotional and spiritual wounds.

JUST JESUS - Healer Part 1

Pastor Tim shares on the benefit of suffering and how Jesus is our healer of physical, emotional and spiritual wounds.

JUST JESUS - Sanctifier

Our ACC Intern Josh Rebalbos shares on how God sanctifies us and makes us righteous for His purposes, as he did for Joseph in the Christmas story.


Pastor Dallas begins our Christmas series by focusing on the Christmas story and Christ's role as our Saviour.


Pastor Dallas begins our Christmas series by focusing on the Christmas story and Christ's role as our Saviour.

Faith on Fire - A Flawless Faith

Pastor Tim speaks on how suffering in the wrong place will stink up our whole world and encourages us that suffering can lead to God's good work in our lives.

Faith on Fire - A Flourishing Faith

Darren and Minako, our international partners from Cambodia, share on their ministry work overseas and how everything we can do can reflect a heart for Christ and sharing his love with others.

Faith on Fire - A Firm Faith

Pastor Michael teaches on what it means to stand firm in the faith, for ourselves and for others.

Faith on Fire - A Focused Faith

Pastor Tim continues in our Faith on Fire series focusing on the book of 1 Thessalonians. In this sermon, we learn how Paul shared his faith so that we can share our faith today.

Faith on Fire - A Functioning Faith Part 2

Pastor Tim kicks off a new sermon series that will focus on 1 Thessalonians.

Faith on Fire - A Functioning Faith Part 1

Pastor Tim kicks off a new sermon series that will focus on 1 Thessalonians.

CORE iD - Pointing People to Jesus PART 2

Pastor Dallas continues on with our CORE iD series by speaking on how in our lives we can constantly be pointing people to Jesus and what are we willing to risk in order that Christ might be seen in us.

CORE iD - Pointing People to Jesus PART 1

Pastor Dallas continues on with our CORE iD series by speaking on how in our lives we can constantly be pointing people to Jesus and what are we willing to risk in order that Christ might be seen in us.

CORE iD - Compassionate to those in Need

Pastor Michael encourages us to look for the people and situations we cannot ignore and to embrace God's heart for the lost, hurting, and overlooked.

CORE iD - Passionate about God

Pastor Tim continues on in our series of diving deeper into our vision statement for ACC. This week our focus is being passionate about God, and how that happens in our lives.

CORE iD - A Loving Community

Our fall series is taking a deeper look at ACC's vision statement. In our first of the series, Pastor Tim takes a closer look at how we are and where we need to grow as a loving community.

MIRACLES - Raises the Dead Part 2

Our last of our miracles series, Pastor Tim speaks on the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and how we can trust God with our waiting and our disappointments.

MIRACLES - Raises the Dead Part 1

Our last of our miracles series, Pastor Tim speaks on the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, and how we can trust God with our waiting and our disappointments.

MIRACLES - Blind Man Healed

Pastor Michael shares with us how we all have a testimony that matters when it comes to people coming to know Jesus.

MIRACLES - Walking on the Water Part 2

Pastor Tim guides us through a short passage of scripture with a powerful message on how we are to be constantly close to Jesus.

MIRACLES - Walking on the Water Part 1

Pastor Tim guides us through a short passage of scripture with a powerful message on how we are to be constantly close to Jesus.

MIRACLES - Feeding the 5000 Part 2

Pastor Tim speaks on how if you're going to follow Jesus, he will push you in your faith.

MIRACLES - Feeding the 5000 Part 1

Pastor Tim speaks on how if you're going to follow Jesus, he will push you in your faith.

MIRACLES - Healing at the Pool

Pastor Dallas speaks on how Jesus can heal in a moment.

MIRACLES - Healing the Official's Son Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Tim reveals how Jesus uses faith and an unexpected answer to an anxious father to heal a young sick boy.

MIRACLES - Healing the Official's Son Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Tim reveals how Jesus uses faith and an unexpected answer to an anxious father to heal a young sick boy.

MIRACLES - Water into Wine

Pastor Tim teaches on the debut miracle of Jesus, water into wine, and how this first miracles gives us an indication of just how extravagantly Jesus loves and delights in us.

ONE on ONE - Peter Part 2

Pastor Tim shares with us the one on one encounter that Peter has with Jesus after he is raised from the dead and the questions Jesus asks of Peter 3 times.

ONE on ONE - Peter Part 1

Pastor Tim shares with us the one on one encounter that Peter has with Jesus after he is raised from the dead and the questions Jesus asks of Peter 3 times.

ONE on ONE - Thomas

Pastor Michael's focus is on the encounter Thomas had with Jesus, and how the right questions can deepen our faith.

ONE on ONE - Mary Magdalene

Pastor Dallas speaks on how Mary was the first to encounter Jesus after he rose from the grave and the impact he had on her, and the impact he has on us today revealed in this portion of Scripture.

ONE on ONE - Pilates PART 2

Pastor Dallas, joined by a guest Scripture reader, walks us through the impact that Jesus had on Pilates and the impact He continues to have on us today.

ONE on ONE - Pilates PART 1

Pastor Dallas, joined by a guest Scripture reader, walks us through the impact that Jesus had on Pilates and the impact He continues to have on us today.

ONE on ONE - Woman at the Well

Pastor Michael shares how the impact of Jesus speaking to a woman at a well addresses the big questions we hope no one asks us about our character.

ONE on ONE - Nicodemus PART 2

Pastor Tim guides us through another 1 on 1 encounter, this time with Jesus and religious leader, Nicodemus.

ONE on ONE - Nicodemus PART 1

Pastor Tim guides us through another 1 on 1 encounter, this time with Jesus and religious leader, Nicodemus.

ONE on ONE - Nathanael

Our summer series focusing on One on One Encounters with Jesus kicks off with Pastor Tim sharing on the story of Jesus and Nathanael from the book of John.

NEHEMIAH - Opposition

Pastor Tim wraps up our Nehemiah series by speaking on the opposition we face when we are part of God's plan for our lives.


In today's sermon, Pastor Tim speaks on Room to Grow and how we are called to participate in the work of God here on earth and in Sylvan Lake.

NEHEMIAH - Discontent

Pastor Tim kicks off a new series and we celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of our Room to Grow campaign.

IMPACT - Personal Response

Today's sermon is quite different than our normal! Join Pastor Tim as he invites us to personally encounter Jesus and then respond to the impact He has had on our lives.

IMPACT - On Non-Believers PART 2

Pastor Tim walks us through the impact Jesus has had on non-believers. He is joined by Helene Paulgaard who shares her testimony.

IMPACT - On Non-Believers PART 1

Pastor Tim walks us through the impact Jesus has had on non-believers. He is joined by Helene Paulgaard who shares her testimony.

IMPACT - Holy Spirit Part 2

Today, Pastor Michael continues our sermon series on Impact and the inner working of the Holy Spirit. In Part 2, we'll hear testimony from one of our youth leaders, Tyne.

IMPACT - Holy Spirit Part 1

Today, Pastor Michael continues our sermon series on Impact and the inner working of the Holy Spirit. In Part 2, we'll hear testimony from one of our youth leaders, Tyne.

IMPACT - Easter Sunday

Pastor Tim preaches on the IMPACT Jesus had when he conquered death!

IMPACT - Palm Sunday

Pastor Tim prepares our hearts for the Easter week by focusing us on Jesus and why He came. (Due to technical difficulties, this recording does not have the best sound quality. Our apologies!)


In our final chapter of Missions Mindset, Pastor Dallas encourages us to really press into the calling of Jesus and how every time we follow Jesus, it will be worth it.

MISSIONS MINDSET - The Conflict Part 2

In part 3 of our Missions Mindset series, Pastor Tim reveals the conflict that is present in our world and in the places Jesus calls us to go. Tyler Fehr shares his story of serving in Slovakia in Part 2 of this podcast episode.

MISSIONS MINDSET - The Conflict Part 1

In part 3 of our Missions Mindset series, Pastor Tim reveals the conflict that is present in our world and in the places Jesus calls us to go. Tyler Fehr shares his story of serving in Slovakia in Part 2 of this podcast episode.


In Part 2 of our Missions Mindset series, Pastor Michael speaks on the cost of following Jesus and pursuing the things of Christ in our lives and sharing the Gospel and how it is always worth it to know and love Jesus and bring the Gospel message to those around us.


We begin our new series today with Pastor Tim looking at our responsibilities when it comes to the mission work God has for us across the globe and across the street.


In the final part of our Church series, Pastor Tim invites Sadie Lehr to share her testimony and what it looks like for her to abide in Christ.


In the final part of our Church series, Pastor Tim invites Sadie Lehr to share her testimony and what it looks like for her to abide in Christ.


Today in part 3, Pastor Michael discusses how our bodies are the temple of God.


In week two of our series, Pastor Tim guides us through understanding the Church, the body of believers, as the Bride of Christ.


Today we start a new series focused on The Church. Pastor Tim leads us through what it means to be the body of Christ.

BOOTCAMP 2023 - Act Justly Part 2

In the final part of our Bootcamp series, Pastor Tim inspires us to Act Justly, and what does that look like in practical ways. Throughout this message are testimonies given by people on the frontlines of honoring God's justice and their call to serve in areas of the world where it is needed most.

BOOTCAMP 2023 - Act Justly Part 1

In the final part of our Bootcamp series, Pastor Tim inspires us to Act Justly, and what does that look like in practical ways. Throughout this message are testimonies given by people on the frontlines of honoring God's justice and their call to serve in areas of the world where it is needed most.

BOOTCAMP 2023 - Love Mercy

In part 2 of our Bootcamp Series, Pastor Dallas guides us through what it means to love mercy, to act with mercy, and to understand God's mercies that are new for us every morning.

BOOTCAMP 2023 - Walk Humbly

In part 1 of our Bootcamp Series, Pastor Michael shares with us the importance of understanding humility and practicing it and receiving all God has for from a truly humble heart.

State of the Union PART 2

Welcome to 2023! Our first Sunday, January 1, was spent sharing together on the goodness of God. In today's sermon, Pastor Tim discusses our calling as a church and how we can embrace it for this coming new year.

State of the Union PART 1

Welcome to 2023! Our first Sunday, January 1, was spent sharing together on the goodness of God. In today's sermon, Pastor Tim discusses our calling as a church and how we can embrace it for this coming new year.

TRUE AND BETTER - Rock of Moses

Today is part 3 of our TRUE and BETTER series. Today, Pastor Michael leads us through a comparison between the Rock of Moses and Jesus and reminds us what truly matters.


Today is part 3 of our True and Better Series. In Part 2, Pastor Tim walks us through the typology of the story of Esther and how this piece of scripture relates and reflects the True and Better character of Christ. Listen to Part 1 for a retelling of the Esther story.


Today is part 3 of our True and Better Series. Part 1 of this sermon is Pastor Tim uses members of our church family to retell the story of Esther. In Part 2, Pastor Tim walks us through the typology of the story of Esther and how this piece of scripture relates and reflects the True and Better character of Christ.


In Part 2 of our True and Better series, Pastor Tim looks at the life and character of Joseph and how he represents Jesus, the TRUE and BETTER version of Joseph. Due to clips being used throughout the sermon, here is a link with an overview of Joseph's story at 5:20:


Today we begin a new series titled 'True and Better', exploring men and women in the Bible whose stories and character represent Christ, the TRUE and BETTER version of them all. Today's sermon focuses on the story of Abel.

EXILES' HANDBOOK - Suffering Part 2

Today is part 5 of our sermon series Exiles' Handbook. This podcast will appear in 2 parts. Pastor Michael preaches on what it means to suffer as a believer. Persecution looks different for us all but our faith, our pursuit of God, and sharing Him with others is worth it.

EXILES' HANDBOOK - Suffering Part 1

Today is part 5 of our sermon series Exiles' Handbook. This podcast will appear in 2 parts. Pastor Michael preaches on what it means to suffer as a believer. Persecution looks different for us all but our faith, our pursuit of God, and sharing Him with others is worth it.


Today is part 4 of our series Exiles' Handbook. Today Pastor Tim discusses submission. To view the video of Brother Andrew, follow this link:


Today is part 3 of our series Exiles' Handbook, Exiles for a Time, Citizens for Eternity. In this sermon, Pastor Tim discusses the world that we are in, the pagan society Peter talks about, and how we as exiles must be different than mainstream culture.


Today is part 2 of our Exiles' Handbook series. Today Pastor Tim teaches from 1 Peter 2:1-10 and how we as exiles for a time are described according to God.

EXILES' HANDBOOK - Introduction

Today is Part 1 of our new series Exiles' Handbook - Exiles for a Time, Citizens for Eternity. Pastor Tim introduces us to this series by diving into 1 Peter.

Special Guests Darren and Minako Polischuk

Missionaries Darren and Minako Polischuk share on advancing God's Kingdom in Cambodia.


Today is part 4 of our series Upside Down Kingdom. Pastor Michael Dyck teaches us on what Jesus truly is asking each of us to give to receive all that Jesus has for us.


Today is Part 3 of our series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. In today's sermon, Pastor Dallas shares what it means to live out being last to be first.


Today is part two of our four part series called Upside Down Kingdom. In this sermon, Pastor Michael talks about what it means to die to live.


Today is Kickoff Sunday and Part 1 of our series entitled Upside Down Kingdom. In today's sermon, Pastor Tim shares our mission statement.

DAVID: The Lord is Just and Merciful

Today is part four of our four part series called "David: A Man After God's Own Heart". This series will focus on the life and calling of David. In this sermon, Pastor Tim will be speaking about the mercy and justice of God through the story of David and Bathsheba.

DAVID: Turn Your Waiting Game into a Winning Game

Today is part 3 of our 4 part series called "David: A Man After God's Own Heart". This series will focus on the life and calling of David. In this sermon, Pastor Tim will be speaking on how to turn your waiting game into a winning game.

DAVID: The Lord is Strength

Today is part 2 of our 4 part series called "David: A Man After God's Own Heart". This series will focus on the life and calling of David. In this sermon, Pastor Dallas will be speaking on the story of David and Goliath

DAVID: The Lord Looks on the Heart

Today is part 1 of our 4 part series called "David: A Man After God's Own Heart". This series will focus on the life and calling of David. In this sermon, Pastor Tim Bergmann and Pastor Khristie Looy will be speaking on calling and how "The Lord Looks on the Heart".


Today is the last part of our 4 part series called "Minor Tweets". This is part 2 of the 2 part podcast. This series will focus on the minor prophets from the Old Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Tim Bergmann will be speaking on the book of Malachi


Today is the last part of our 4 part series called "Minor Tweets". This is part 1 of the 2 part podcast. This series will focus on the minor prophets from the Old Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Tim Bergmann will be speaking on the book of Malachi


Today is part 3 of our 4 part series called "Minor Tweets". This series will focus on the minor prophets from the Old Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Michael Dyck will be speaking on the book of Hosea.


Today is part 2 of our 4 part series called "Minor Tweets". This series will focus on the minor prophets from the Old Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Tim Bergmann will be speaking on the book of Habakkuk.


Today is part 1 of our 4 part series called "Minor Tweets". This series will focus on the minor prophets from the Old Testament. In this sermon, Pastor Tim Bergmann will be speaking on the book of Jonah.

EQUIPPED: Sword of the Spirit

Part 6 of our 6-part series "Equipped" that is focusing on the Armor of God found in Ephesians. Today Pastor Tim Bergmann will be preaching on "Sword of the Spirit" based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

EQUIPPED: Helmet of Salvation

Part 5 of our 6-part series "Equipped" that is focusing on the Armor of God found in Ephesians. Today Pastor Michael Dyck will be preaching on "Helmet of Salvation" based on Galatians 6:14-16.

EQUIPPED: Shield of Faith

Part 4 of our 6-part series "Equipped" that is focusing on the Armor of God found in Ephesians. Today's sermons title is "Shield of Faith" based on Ephesians 6:16.

EQUIPPED: Feet Fitted With Readiness

Part 3 of our 6-part series "Equipped" that is focusing on the Armor of God found in Ephesians. Today's sermons title is "Feet Fitted With Readiness" based on Ephesians 6:15 & Romans 10:15.

EQUIPPED: Breastplate of Righteousness

Part 2 of our 6-part series called EQUIPPED, based on Ephesians 6. In this sermon Pastor Tim preaches on "Breastplate of Righteousness".

EQUIPPED: Belt of Truth

Part 1 of our 6 part series "Equipped". Today's sermon is called "Belt of Truth" based on Ephesians 6:10-14.

ONE: Unity Witnesses To The World

Part 2 of our 2 part series "One". Today's sermon is called "Unity Witnesses To The World" based on John 13:31-38.

ONE: Unity Pleases God

Part 1 of our 2 part series "One". Today's sermon is called "Unity Brings God Pleasure" based on Ephesians 4:1-5.

Room To Grow - 1 Year Anniversary

This sermon is an update on our Room to Grow Campaign and how God is leading us to be a larger part of the Sylvan Lake community. Pastor Tim will give a history on how it began, where we are now and plans for the future.


Part 3 of our 3 part series called Skeptics Questions. Today Pastor Michael Dyck will look at the question Is The Bible True? He looks at the research done throughout the years that has shown how accurate the bible is.

SKEPTICS QUESTIONS: Why Does God Have To Put Boundaries On Sex And Sexual Identity?

Part 2 of our 3 part series called Skeptics Questions. Today Pastor Tim and Daniel Komori will discuss the topic "Why does God put boundaries on sex and sexual identity?" Daniel has studied this and taught on it for the last fifteen years and he will bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the talk.

SKEPTICS QUESTIONS: Does A Loving God Allow Suffering?

Part 1 of our 3 part sermon series called Skeptics Questions. Today Pastor Tim will be preaching on "Does A Loving God Allow Suffering?"

Famous First Words: He Is Risen!

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The title of this sermon is Famous First Words and Pastor Tim will be teaching on the passage where the angel meets the women at the empty tomb that first Sunday morning all those years ago.

Famous Last Words: Into Your Hands

This is also the last part of our series "Famous Last Words". Today is part 7 or our 7 parts series. This series focuses on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Tim will be speaking on the seventh word from the cross, "Into His Hands" Luke 22:44-49.

Famous Last Words: It Is Finished

Today is part 6 of our 7 part series called "Famous Last Words". This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Jim will be speaking on the sixth word from the cross, It is finished.
Please take a moment to connect with us via Phone: 403-887-8811, Email:, or through our Website: You can also find our weekly bulletin on our website under the Sunday Service tab so you can see all that is happening here at the church. If you missed any of the sermons, they are available on our website under the Media tab.

Famous Last Words: I Thirst

Today is part 5 of our 7 part series called "Famous Last Words". This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Michael will be speaking on the fifth word from the cross I thirst. Two words but they reveal much about Jesus.

Famous Last Words: Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Today is part 4 of our 7 parts series called "Famous Last Words". This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Tim will be preaching on Jesus astonishing statement "My God My God why have you forsaken me?"

Famous Last Words: Behold

Today is part 3 of our 7 parts series called "Famous Last Words". This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Michael will be preaching on Jesus statement to His mother and to His disciple named John.

Famous Last Words: Paradise

Today is part 2 of our 7 part series called Famous Last Words. This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Tim will be speaking on Jesus statement to the thief on the cross Truly I tell you today you will be with me in Paradise.

Famous Last Words: Forgive Them

Today is part 1 of our 7 part series called Famous Last Words. This series will focus on the last seven things Jesus said as He hung on the cross. In this sermon Pastor Tim will be teaching His words "Forgive Me" - Luke 2324.

Worth Fighting For: Belonging

Thank you for joining us for part 4 of our 4 part series called Worth Fighting For. We will be looking at all the unique beautiful and complicated forms of family relationships this month. In this sermon Pastor Michael will be teaching on belonging.

Worth Fighting For: Legacy

Thank you for joining us for part 3 of our 4 part series called Worth Fighting For. We will be looking at all the unique beautiful and complicated forms of family relationships this month. In this sermon Pastor Tim and Pastor Khristie will be teaching on legacy.

Worth Fighting For: Marriage

Thank you for joining us for part 2 of our 4 part series called Worth Fighting For. We will be looking at all the unique beautiful and complicated forms of family relationships this month. In this sermon Pastor Dallas will be teaching on marriage.

Worth Fighting For: Family

Thank you for joining us as we kick off a new 4 part series called Worth Fighting For. We will be looking at all the unique beautiful and complicated forms of family relationships this month. In this sermon Pastor Tim will be teaching on the relationship between parents and kids.

Around The World In 60 Minutes

Pastor Tim is talking to workers for the Lord that are serving all around the world

BOOT CAMP: Sabbath

Part 3 of our 3 part series focusing on several spiritual disciplines. These disciplines will hep us slow down and fight back against the tyranny of busyness. It is when we slow down that we can more fully appreciate the relationship that we have with Jesus. Going too fast and being too busy are not healthy ways to live.

For physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. ~ 1 Timothy 48

BOOT CAMP: Simplicity

Part 2 of our 3 part series focusing on several spiritual disciplines. These disciplines will hep us slow down and fight back against the tyranny of busyness. It is when we slow down that we can more fully appreciate the relationship that we have with Jesus. Going too fast and being too busy are not healthy ways to live.

For physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. ~ 1 Timothy 48

BOOT CAMP: Solitude

Part 1 of our 3 part series focusing on several spiritual disciplines. These disciplines will hep us slow down and fight back against the tyranny of busyness. It is when we slow down that we can more fully appreciate the relationship that we have with Jesus. Going too fast and being too busy are not healthy ways to live.

For physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. ~ 1 Timothy 48

State Of The Union

A look at the 5 ideas in Psalm 33 that give us one central message.

WHEN HEAVEN SPEAKS To Mary: Comfort and Promise

Part 4 of our 4 part Advent sermon series.

Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wisemen were all spoken to heavenly beings. Each time a powerful message was delivered. This sermon series takes a look at each of these messages.

WHEN HEAVEN SPEAKS To Joseph: Trust, Sacrifice & Faith

Part 3 of our 4 part Advent sermon series.

Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wisemen were all spoken to heavenly beings. Each time a powerful message was delivered. This sermon series takes a look at each of these messages.

WHEN HEAVEN SPEAKS To The Wisemen: Wisdom & Warning

Part 2 of our 4 part Advent sermon series.

Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wisemen were all spoken to by heavenly beings. Each time a powerful message was delivered. This sermon series takes a look at each of these messages.

WHEN HEAVEN SPEAKS To The Shepherds: Joy, Peace & Good News

Part 1 of our 4 part Advent sermon series.

Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wisemen were all spoken to by heavenly beings. Each time a powerful message was delivered. This sermon series takes a look at each of these messages.

A FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Keeps Me Humble

Part 6 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

A FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Is Truly Wise

Part 5 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

A FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say

Part 4 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

A FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Shows Respect To Everyone

Part 3 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Moves Us To Action

Part 2 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

FAITH THAT WORKS: A Faith That Isn't Troubled By Troubles

Part 1 of our 6 part sermon series on The Book of James.

It's NOT All About Me: Irrational Generosity

Part 5 of our 5 part sermon series on the Alliance Community Church Mission Statement

It's NOT All About Me: Pointing People To Jesus

Part 4 of our 5 part sermon series on the Alliance Community Church Mission Statement

It's NOT All About Me: Compassion to Those in Need

Part 3 of our 5 part sermon series on the Alliance Community Church Mission Statement.

It's NOT All About Me: Passionate About God

Part 2 of our 5 part sermon series on the Alliance Community Church Mission Statement.

It's NOT All About Me: Loving Community

Part 1 of our 5 Part Series looking at our Mission Statement.

I AM: The True Vine

Part 7 of our 7 part series on Jesus' I Am Statements

I AM: The Way, The Truth & The Life

Part 6 of our 7 part series on Jesus' I Am Statements

I Am: The Resurrection and The Life

Part 5 of our 7 part series on Jesus' I Am Statements

I AM: The Good Shepherd

Part 4 of our 7 part series on Jesus' I Am Statements

I AM: The Door

Part 3 of our 7 part series on Jesus' I Am Statements

I AM: Light of the World

Part 2 of our 7-part series on Jesus' I AM Statements.

I AM: Bread of Life

Part 1 of our 7-part series on Jesus' I AM Statements.

Resilient: Focused on Compassion

Psalm 41:1-2

Scripture is filled with references on helping the poor. God promises to be there for us when we are there for the poor. Plus, when we see how difficult it is for some people, it can help to put our own struggles into perspective and give us the encouragement to carry on. Jesus showed compassion to us when we were spiritual destitute and in poverty. He made us rich through His grace.

Resilient: Immersed In Community

Exodus 17:8-16

This is the account of Aaron and Hur holding up Moses' arms so that the Israelites could experience victory. The idea here is that there are times, especially during difficulties, when we can't handle things on our own. Jesus has called us to live in community. We need each other. Sometimes, we are the ones who need support and sometimes we are the ones giving the support. We must continue to connect with others even in the midst of pandemic. This will help us be resilient people.

Resilient: Anchored In Christ

Hebrews 12:1-3

There is not greater example than out Lord Jesus Christ when it comes to resilience. We are to fix our eyes on Him. He is our model. He is our indwelling strength.

Love Your Neighbour: The Lips

What are we willing to say about Jesus? - John 4:1-26

Jesus meets the woman where she is at. He is willing to step outside His comfort zone (or at least a Jewish man's comfort zone) to connect with her. He starts where she is at but He skillfully moves her into deep spiritual conversation and ultimately to Himself. How can we model that kind of connection? It is very important that we show Christ to the people that we meet, but there is also the need to speak about the Christ that we love. What keeps us from doing that? How can we overcome obstacles so that we can talk about Jesus?

Love Your Neighbour: The Hands

What actions are we willing to take to reach out to our neighbours? - Luke 5:27-31

It is not enough to just hope that our friends and neighbours will come to Jesus. We need to make contact with them. They need to know that we are there for them and are people that could be their friends. That may mean going to them and that may mean inviting them to come to us. Matthew had just started following Jesus when he had a party and many of his tax collecting friends came. He simply threw the party and brought Jesus with him. This is what we are to do now. Throw parties or make connections but bring Jesus with you. He live in you, be aware that He is along for the enjoyment as well. What are some creative ways that we can connect with our neighbours?

Love Your Neighbour: The Heart

How should we feel about those who are far away from Jesus? - Luke 15:1-31

When you read the parables of the three lost items there are some things that stand out:
- The importance of the lost thing to the owner
- The focus and intesity of trying to find the lost ting
- The incredible joy when the lost thing is discovered

First and foremost, our relationships with our neighbours need to begin from a place of deep love and care. How does Jesus feel about our neighbours? How interested is He in building a relationship with them?

Love Your Neighbour: The Head - What do we believe God wants us to do?

The great commission found in Matthew 28 is for all Christ-followers. Maybe another way of describing it is the Everyday Commission. We need to get passed the frenetic, activity-oriented lifestyle and lean into a calm, purpose driven lifestyle that is focused on loving the people that God has placed in our lives. What if each Christ-follower at ACC could invest in 5-10 neighbors, showing loving kindness and being available to share the love with Jesus?

Love Your Neighbour: Who is the Neighbour?

Luke 10:25-37

Break Every Chain: Freedom from My Way

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Remember that God is God
Listen more than speak
Jesus invites us into relationship with Him

Break Every Chain: Freedom in Suffering

Ecclesiastes 7:15; 8:14
Bad things happen to good people
The problem of evil
The five reasons we suffer - Psalm 107
Jesus models forgiveness

Break Every Chain: Freedom in Finances

Ecclesiastes 5:10-16; Matthew 6:25-34
Be content with what you have
You can have and not be content
You can have but it might kill you to get it
Jesus promises provision

Break Every Chain: Freedom from Loneliness

Ecclesiastes 4:8-12
Two are better than one
Love your spouse
Respect the authorities
Jesus says love one another

Break Every Chain: Freedom in Discontentment

Ecclesiastes 1:16-2:11; Matthew 6:33
Wisdom doesn't satisfy
Sex doesn't satisfy
Pleasure doesn't satisfy
Jesus offers true satisfaction!

Break Every Chain: Freedom in Mortality

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11, Mark 13:32-37
We are all going to die
We are all going to be forgotten
What should be our legacy?
Jesus offers eternity

Before The Silver Cord is Severed Drama

This is a 50-minute creative recitation of the book of Ecclesiastes by Pastor Tim Bergman.
To watch the video of this presentation go to:

Mourning to Dancing

John 20:11-18

Room to Grow: The Crowd, The Chorus, The Christ

Pastor Tim preaches on what Palm Sunday was like.

Room to Grow: Opportunity to Bring Light to a Dark World

Pastor Michael preaches from Exodus 35-36

Room to Grow: 8 Promises That Inspire Generosity

Pastor Tim preaches on these promises from God. 2 Corinthians 8:1-13, 9:6-15

Room to Grow: The Story of Joseph

Pastor Tim preaches on Joseph's work for the benefit of his captors. Genesis 41

House Rules: Forgiveness

Pastor Michael preaches on forgiveness based on Matthew 18:21-35.

Fight Fair

House Rules


House Rules

A Better Us

House Rules

SERVE - We Are the Body

Boot Camp 2021


Boot Camp 2021


Boot Camp 2021


Boot Camp 2021

Vision 2021-2025

Pastor Tim rolls out a new Vision Statement to carry us from 2021-2025.

Make Much of Jesus

Our annual testimony sharing service! Share and hear how God has been good to us in the past year.

Joseph has Peace


Elizabeth Mourns


Mary Loves


Simeon Waits


Heaven: Better Than You Can Imagine

Mark 13

Heaven: The Kingdom of Heaven

Luke 4:14-22

Heaven: How Do We Get There?

John 14:6

Heaven: The Kingdom of Heaven

Luke 19

Better Than You Can Imagine


Reorient: Irrational Generosity

Luke 10:25-37

Reorient: Compassion for Those in Need

Mark 1:40-45

Reorient: Point People To Jesus

Matthew 16:34

Reorient: Loving Community

John 21
with Verna Verity

Reorient: Passionate About God

Luke 7: 36-47

You Are Invited: To A Life of Contentment

Exodus 20:17

You Are Invited: To A Life Steered With Honesty

Exodus 20:16; John 8:32

You Are Invited: To A Life Directed With Generosity

Exodus 20:15; Ephesians 4:28

You Are Invited: To A Life Conducted With Purity

Exodus 20:14

You Are Invited: To A Life Rooted With Peace

Exodus 20:13

You Are Invited: To A Life Stamped With Unity

Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-4

You Are Invited: To A Life Sealed With Rest

Exodus 20:8-11
With Guest Mark Buchanan

You Are Invited: To A Life Signatured with Power

Exodus 20:7; Acts 3 & 19

You Are Invited: To A Life Abounding with Freedom

Exodus 20:4-6; John 8:36

Lessons We Can Learn From Suffering

The Book of Job

In The Know: Know Your Battle

Ephesians 6:10-18

In The Know: Know Your Purpose

Ephesians 5:1-20

In The Know: Know Your Function

Ephesians 4:1-16

In The Know: Know God's Love

Ephesians 3

In The Know: Know Where You Are Going

Ephesians 2:1-10

In The Know: Know Who You Are

Ephesians 1:3-14

Spirit Rising: The Holy Spirit Gives Us Joy

Luke 10:17-24

Spirit Rising: Fills Us With Power For Living

John 14:12; Luke 12:39

Spirit Rising: Help Us Overcome Fear

Acts 3 & 4; 2 Timothy 1:7

Spirit Rising: The Holy Spirit

John 16:7-15

The Road: The Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.

He asked them, What are you discussing together as you walk along?

They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?

What things? he asked.

About Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning but didnt find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but they did not see Jesus.

He said to them, How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus continued on as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly, Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over. So he went in to stay with them.

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?

They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon. Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.

The Road: The Road to Jerusalem

Matthew 16:21-26

From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. Never, Lord! he said. This shall never happen to you!
Jesus turned and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?