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September is a new beginning.

Hey everyone,
            Hope you are having a great week as we head into September. 
            As always, we are usure of what the future holds.  I have some great hopes for what is coming next and I am working towards those hopes, but, as we have learned in the last couple of years, everything can change in an instant and we can be left floundering. 
            For many, this is reason to be anxious, but, as followers of Jesus, we don’t have to be worried at all. 
            Psalm 139:6 says,
           All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.
            Our Creator and Father has our futures clearly in His sight.  We can trust Him.  That future may involve pain and difficulty, or it may involve ease and success.  Likely it will be a combination of the two.  But whatever happens, it won’t take God by surprise. 
            So, our best bet is to tune in to Him, to listen to Him, to seek Him.
            That is what I would like to ask you to do at this time.  Will you pray for the church as we kick off this fall?  Will you pray for the ministries as they start up again?  Will you pray for all the volunteers and leaders as they seek to carry out their God-given calling at ACC?  Will you pray for me as I lead?
            September is a new beginning in a lot of ways, and I want us to face it with confidence and freedom. 
            Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.
            This is my hope and prayer for ACC.  I only want us to do what the Father is telling us to do.  And we can only do that as we seek Him in prayer.
            This weekend, Michael will be closing our “I AM” series with talking about Jesus being the Vine.  The big idea of the passage is that we are to remain in the Vine, to abide in the presence of Jesus.  Let’s do that together. 
            Find some time where you can be alone with Jesus and rest in that space.  Ask Him what His plans are for you this year.  Ask Him what His plans are for ACC this year.  Listen well to Him.  He loves you so much and is delighted when we get alone with Him.
            I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday.
            I love being your pastor.
Pastor Tim