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New Life

Hi there, friends.


                What an incredible week we had last week. I hope you were able to participate in remembering the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, whether through a service or with your family or in some other special way. The hope that Jesus brings is amazing and worth remembering with joy and celebration.


                Romans 6 says that we have been given a new nature in Jesus Christ. We have been set free from the law of sin and have new life under grace.


                So, why do we still sin? Does this mean that Jesus is not alive in us? Does this mean that we still are dead in our sins?


                One metaphor that has been very helpful to me is this: Imagine a fish out of water. It can survive for a short while, but it is destined to die there because it must be under water. Now, think of yourself. You can survive for a while under water, but you are destined for death if you remain there because you need air.


                It is similar with sin in our lives. Before we came to know Jesus, we could sin and stay in our sins. We felt comfortable there. We felt at home there. But when we surrendered everything over to Jesus, something fundamental changed in us. We may still sin, but we cannot remain there. We need to get out. We are repulsed by our sins. We must turn away from them. This is the sign of new life in us, the Christ-life.


                And so, when we sin, we confess it to God quickly so that we can receive the forgiveness He has made available to us. We don’t want to wallow in that sin any longer than we have to; our new nature, our life in Christ, can’t stomach it.


                I am so grateful for this new nature. I wish I would never sin, but I am grateful that I am not a slave to sin. I am a slave to righteousness and that will result in life and hope.


                At the end of Romans 6 it says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!”


                Thank you, Jesus, for creating such a drastic and major change in our lives.


                This weekend Pastor Michael will be continuing on with our teaching series called “IMPACT.” Last week, I talked about the impact that Jesus had in the spiritual realm. This week, Michael will talk about how Christ impacted His followers. I pray that as you listen to that, you will identify along with Jesus’ followers and be impacted in a fresh way by Christ’s Holy Spirit.


                I hope you have a great weekend, and we will see you on Sunday.


                I love being your pastor.


Pastor Tim